There seems to be a need for some Americans to hold a binary view of the Russia-Ukraine region conflict. Those supporting either side of the war demand everyone else either be completely aligned with their favorite or they're completely opposed to them. Those who say Vladimir Putin is fighting globalism and liberating oppressed Ukrainians won't hear anything else. Those who believe Volodymyr Zelensky is the hero of democracy claim any criticism is Russian disinformation.
What about those of us who believe in America First?
Steve Deace from The Blaze was able to encapsulate his thoughts (which perfectly represent the beliefs of many) into a single Tweet:

Is Putin a heroic liberator of Ukraine? No
Is Ukraine a corrupt Soros/WEF proxy state? Yes
Would swaths of Ukraine prefer to be Russian? Yes
Is Ukraine worth nuclear war? No
Is Ukraine worth wrecking your economy/energy supply? No
Do the elites doing this care about you? No
Deace pretty much sums up how so many of us feel. To add on a couple of points, yes, we should empathize with Ukrainian citizens who are suffering and no, Volodymyr Zelensky is not acting in their best interests.
This area of Europe has beenmore or less a civil war zone for 1500 years. Kyiev was founded 500 years before Moscow existed and was the capital of Rus for centuries until Catherine the Great annexed it and the capital became St. Petersburg.
Under Stalin millions of Ukrainians starved during the Holodomor. The Germans in WWII were initially welcomed as liberators. One of the most feared units of the SS was comprised of Ukrainian troops.
When the very sme Russians annexed Crimea, Luhansk and Donbas in 2014 the world shook their finger in Russia's general direction, sent blankets to Ukraine, shrugged and went about their business.
What changed in the 8 years since?
No matter what, the conflict is not worth one drop of U.S. military blood. It's not worth a penny of our treasure either but that horse left the barn long ago.