Teen Girl Breaks Down While Describing Naked Tranny in YMCA Locker Room While She Showered
We will not survive much longer as a country if we don't put an end to the woke, demonic insanity that's sweeping across much of nation.
There was a time in American when a man walking around naked in a girl's locker room at the YMCA, flashing his penis to teens and pre-teens would be lucky to get arrested because otherwise he'd likely get beaten to a pulp by fathers doing what fathers SHOULD do in such a situation. But in America in 2023, a man pretending to be a woman has more protections and better rights than the young girls he scars for the sake of inclusivity.
To be more accurate, in Democrat hellholes like Commiefornia, such things are part of everyday life. Thankfully, there are still some states that protect girls. One teen in San Diego County had a terrifying experience with a man in her locker room. After being made to feel like she was in the wrong by the YMCA, she took her story to the local city council which was equally unimpressed.
According to Daily Wire:
A female California teenager in San Diego County told local city officials Wednesday she was exposed to male genitalia inside a YMCA women’s locker room after finishing a workout.
Rebecca Phillips, 17, said during the public comments section at the January 11 Santee City Council meeting that the exposure happened two weeks ago after she completed swimming laps and cleaning up in the Cameron Family YMCA women’s locker room.
“As I was showering after my workout, I saw a naked male in the women’s locker room,” Phillips said. “I immediately went back into the shower terrified and hid behind their flimsy excuse for a curtain until he was gone.”
Phillips said she asked YMCA management about the facility’s transgender policy, and she said the family recreation center confirmed to her that staff allowed the man “to shower wherever he pleased.”
“As long as you are not a red flag on Megan’s Law — California sex offender registry — a grown male can shower alongside a teenage girl at your YMCA location here in Santee,” Phillips told city officials. “I was made to feel as though I had done something wrong when I talked to people at the YMCA.”
Phillips asked the council questions that they didn't answer:
"I'm assuming all of you either have a wife, a sister, daughters, or granddaughters or are a woman yourself. Could you knowingly send an underage girl into a room where there was a naked [beautiful and brave transwoman with her cock out] and say that she was not in danger? That she was safe? Or, more importantly, that this was right?"
These are fair questions. Unfortunately, the woke left ideology that is permeating all aspects of society and transforming America into an anti-female nation. It is now Phillips who is at the greater risk of being victimized instead of the mentally ill man who believes his penis should be on display to young girls for the sake of inclusivity. But he's not the person we should blame the most. It's the heartless, irresponsible politicians who use virtue signaling to the LBGTQIA+ crowd as a reason to destroy America.
You will live under the tranny tyranny that you will tolerate. They will push and continue to demand ownership of your kids and speech and beliefs until you push back, so keep saying yes by being afraid to say no. There is no limit to their perversion, if you listen to them. They are demons.
UPMC Pittsburgh Children's Hospital wants to implant uteruses into boys that are transitioning to girls.
So, if you know anyone who has a uterus they no long want, give them a call.
The world has gone mad.