Bragg appears to be the result of Soros funding a leftist org that in turn gave $500K to the cognitively challenged prosecutor. It's too bad he cannot be rico'd. At least hopefully some conservative prosecutors in red states can mimick his tactic and bring some Dems to justice for their crimes. Regardless, i gave T's campaign another donation. Hopefully, more will too. Latinas for Trump!

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There is no longer a shining light on the hill. America has rejected the LIGHT that showed them the way. Now most are stumbling around in darkness and will soon fall off the cliff.

For those who have candles, light them to show you the right way.

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No actual law sited in the indictment, did Bragg even go to Law school or did Harvard pass him, hand him a degree, just because. His office loses 49% of all their cases and they plea bargain most of the cases that come to them. It reeks of incompetence.

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This is tantamount to assigning guilt by virtue of accusation only.

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May Bragg be hoisted on his own petard!

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Bragg maybe needs to stop hitting up McDonald’s and focus on his states crap crime issues. I’m embarrassed for him. Foolish

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