Dang, they missed.

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It really isn't all about Ukraine. It is all about the US and NATO proxy war against Russia, specifically against Putin.

Biden's puppetmasters completely misread Putin, and, they lifted US sanctions that were restraining him from many of his depredations. Just as he did in Crimea, Putin took his cues from the Dem US POTUS, confident that we would do nothing.

And in the end, it is the US and the UK who are the real villains here. We made a promise to protect Ukraine form this very situation. What's that you say? Not a treaty, just an "agreement". That's your excuse? How very...Dem of you.

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It's Biden's war in Ukraine, not Putin's. The US Deep State/S0ros/Biden Crime Family engineered the war, forcing Putin to invade to prevent the genocide of ethnic Russians in the Donbas (getting shelled by Ukrainian militias). The Russians also presented evidence of illegal US bioweapons labs in Ukraine. Ukraine is a puppet State created by the US Deep State and George S0ros. S0ros is on video boasting about it, calling himself emperor.

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