
Environmentalists with absolutely nothing get headlines.

But EU committee getting Pfizer to admit vax doesn't stop transmission, back page news.

Sooner or later journalists will have to become journalists. The gravy boat is about to crack.

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How come these types of people are free to continue more damage!

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Tom MacDonald says it best in his new song SHEEPLE and I feel it really strikes home with this situation. It’s manipulative learning being taught and being enforced. They need you controlled as they can only control slaves so they make rules to make criminals that won’t ever be anything in their lives…… by doing stupid shit like this vandalization of Art.

That’ll be on their record for life. It was a statement against Oil yet these miscreant don’t understand how petroleum products are in 99% of your life in all aspects of how everything is made in consumer products.

We are raising a failed generation that can’t think things through

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