This article and US sources cited is kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. Now it's China, China, China... but the real mind manipulation threat comes from within the US border.

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if you didn't know this by know with all the woke BS and the riotcore mob, paid for by PRC Joe and every play from the book for Marx, Lennin, Mao and PolPot being unleashed on Americans including Digitial Disappearances and the Useful Idiots Zuckerberg and Dorsey now partially elon on X running Twitter and Social Media Gulags and going to China and the East with platforms built on liberty and returning instead of improving the world to bring back vile commie ANTI pro1A censorship for the manifest Commie Gulags of Censorship then you Must Not Have any Common Sense at all and are marching to the belly of the beast on infinitely proven failed communism that serves the elite and trades your liberty shares at the WEF, the WHO, the Border, the RC church 9if literally supporting the Europe and US commie invasion lines) et al for shares in commie servitude... . F to the No #FtheWEF #FtheWHO and F all who come to the gate selling commie or vaxofacist lines in substitute to faith , family and community, God Family and Country. Letting in the Illegals is NOT Kind it abdicates the duty to empower them to fix corruption in their own countries of origin... ship them on to DAVOS and the Obama homes and LEftist Evil Clown Show profiteers homes for deportation... they need to fix their own communities and if we must ANNEX Mexico to teach them to respect the border Americans are down for the ride we can go in and clean up the corruption once and for all then have a better lawful border with NON Narco Trade and No Criminal Violence, Trafficing, Human Shipping and Bondage et al.

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