Christianity Today is a subversive political tool that even it's founders son, Franklin Graham, has denounced as a leftist political group sold to The Soros Sphere Subversive Network.

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Thank you, Founders, i did not know that.

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BINGO, I would even go farther and toss in Cheney's name and his daughter & the christian-Zionism networks

It's not just 'left' its neo-con too;


They would prefer that "OLIVER" was signing songs in praise of ZELENSKY, gods chosen sodomite.

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Yep, Graham said Jesus would take the vaccine. Then after taking the shot, Franklin got pericarditis. He had open heart surgery to save his life.

Funny, he has mentioned or apologized for what he did.

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

I went to the article to comment, but no comments (first clue). Then, it only took looking at three articles and the cover of their magazine that said "they, them, their" to tell me that Christian Today is not the least bit Christian. All woke propaganda.

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WARNING, INSENSITIVE WORDS TO FOLLOW: I've been sitting here wondering if it is possible that the person who wrote the article under the masthead of "Christianity Today" is one of those 5'3", 300-pound fudge slammers and they have taken personal offense at those few words from a singer. Someone, or someone's editor may be awfully thin-skinned or just FAT. Tell us writer, are you one of those Walmart shoppers who are in no way physically disabled but still require the use of an EV-shopping cart to haul your tonnage around as you peruse the junk-laden food aisles? Do you clearly see, writer, how the First Amendment works. Even though you will most likely never read my purposefully insulting words, I'm willing to make myself a target for rebuke, with no concern for a public image that proves that "I have compassion for others." With all the opportunities we all have to look foolish why chose this particular one. With all of the real "world class" problems that exist why chose that "overly-gland-blamed-ailment" that you, writer, seem to think requires me and all other Believers to heap compassion upon. If someone is morbidly obese and choses to not attempt to control their 'snack bag-to-mouth-involuntary movement,' I say have at it while the country still makes it possible to eat crap to your hearts content. Song writers, artists, every average John Smith and simple-minded commenters alike can climb onto their soapboxes and be ugly or elegant. I suggest writer, if you want to be a good Christian stop trying to look good in the eyes of men and definitely don't suggest that you may know what fellow Christians should think or say when no Biblical guidance is available. However, do possibly sit-down and grab your checkbook or your smartphone and make a contribution to the Maui Food Bank. It matters not to God if they display their Christianity Today' credentials, because even "unawares" they can still do His Work. I will assure everyone, including the acolytes of Davos, that the majority of the people of Lahaina now "own nothing" and they are definitely not "happy," and to Klaus Schwab I say, just like your master you have no truth in you.

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I think you broke almost all the ZOG china in the shop.

Bravo :)

What would Jesus say about fat shopper hogs on mobility scooters running over children at walmarts?

Didn't they call it Gluttony? Wasn't it a sin? Once upon a time?

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Yes the same faux Christians who are allowing Marxists ideas to take hold of their members. False prophets.

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And the same people whose churches apply for federal dollars to process illegal aliens invading this nation.

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And thus participate in trafficking young people as well as heavy drugs brought across by the cartels.

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They probably would have said the same after Jesus turned over the tables in the temple

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oh my gawd the christian obese at walmart seen riding 1,000's of trikes have been offended

the pain

The question is why this even an issue? Oh well never forget that all these 'christian zionist sites' are owned by ZOG

Not yet, but with his following when Oliver starts naming name(s) and pointing at ZOG enablers that destroyed the USA

Expect them to destroy him first.


Can't we just make music that doesn't offend anybody?

Can't we just normalize infant rape ( kinsey report 1950's, still bible of left )

Can't we all just eat bugs and live on the street rolling in our own feces???

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When someone asks me if I am a Christian, I don't answer.

I am a follower and a believer in God’s Son (Himself), the Light to the Gentiles, the Glory of Israel.

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Christianity today is a bunch of eunuchs!

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I've never heard of Christianity Today. And, it would seem the good people at Christianity Today have not been keeping up with current events. Starting at the bottom of the food chain and moving higher, Americans are over being told they are the sum of their short comings.

I'm sure the good people at Christianity Today have spent a lot of time and resources trying to separate drag queens from children and fighting to get men disguised as women out of women's sports. If you don't know why that matters, you have not spoken with the parents of a female athlete. If any of the good people at Christianity Today have been car jacked or the victim of a violent crime, did they ask why criminals are out of jail before their victims have finished being admitted to an ICU?

Oliver Anthony’s song checks a few of the hundreds of problems we face everyday. Drugs, alcohol and meanness to others, are a distraction from the reality most people endure, not the cure. The media has painted America an ugly caricature of what we once were. The good people at Christianity Today should call the people at Bud Light for some tips on public comments.

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Unfortunately, Christianity Today mostly abandoned orthodox Christianity quite some time ago and has gone pretty woke. I put little stock in anything they have to say.

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The author of the Christianity Today article describes her family being forced onto SNAP because they could no longer make ends meet when their 5th child was born. Her husband was a pastor, and asked the deacons for assistance, which was met with an inadequate raise and the suggestion that they should go to the STATE for assistance.

Which should tell you everything you need to know about that Church, as well as her pastor/husband.

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Western Christendom (Western Civilization) rose NOT because we turned the other cheek, but because we girded on our swords. Charlemagne, largely responsible for creating the West, wiped out Rome's enemies in Italy and went to war against the Saxons annually. The West began its death when we replaced "Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war" and "Sell your cloak and buy [a sword]" with namby-pamby nonsense and stopped killing our enemies.

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That's a touching memoir, but you are not the person he is singing about.

"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat." -- 2nd Thessalonians ch. 3 v. 10

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Christianity Today is just as Christian as Goe Bribem, they are akin to the Church of Scientology.

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He was saying the government can't even run welfare without screwing it up. On one hand, there are people homeless and hungry and on the other, people buying junk food with food stamps.

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Many churches and Christians are no longer following the Bible, but rather the culture. It’s part of the Apostasy.

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