It's brutal.
CNN suffers from ‘futility of the mind’, according to Romans 1 v 21 (v18-32).
Communist Narrative Network
Leftist Extremist Maoist Stalinist CNN, In Keeping With The Main Tenet Of Their Faith, “Lying For Social Change,” Falsely Accuses Carlson Of Being Right-wing Extremist
there I fixed it!
FREE SPEECH ?!?! that’s hilarious 🤣
CNN suffers from ‘futility of the mind’, according to Romans 1 v 21 (v18-32).
Communist Narrative Network
Leftist Extremist Maoist Stalinist CNN, In Keeping With The Main Tenet Of Their Faith, “Lying For Social Change,” Falsely Accuses Carlson Of Being Right-wing Extremist
there I fixed it!
FREE SPEECH ?!?! that’s hilarious 🤣