Yes Beitbart is not Maga friendly and everytime Bannon mentions on his show how great Breitbart is I cringe.

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Bannon is blind to lots of stuff.

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Breitbart went over to the dark side a long time ago.

I was banned years ago from commenting because I wrote "Soros" in my post.

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Wow. I had no idea. Thx for that information. So, truth is not valued by them. Unfortunate. Keep up the good work, please.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Blood clots are unlikely to cause an aneurysm.

He was more than likely heavily into steroids. Nobody's muscles get that huge or that well defined without using steroids.

It is quite possible that the covid shots caused the aneurysm. The covid shots produce spike proteins. The spike proteins are known for attaching to the AC2 receptors of blood vessel wall cells. White blood cells then attack the blood vessel cell walls in order to eliminate the foreign protein. This weakens the cell walls of the blood vessels which can result in the development of an aneurysm.

Between steroid use and vigorous exercise the aneurysm can also weaken the blood vessel cell wall and burst over time when least expected.

More like a contribution of factors lead to his untimely demise.

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All three are suspect. NYP is owned by the Murdoch enterprise and we already know they took Big Pharma money and are Ultra UnMAGA. The Daily Wire is on the RINO payroll now and full DeSantis. I believe Breitbart is somewhere in between but definitely UnMAGA.

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Very True. He is like the Ron Popiel of alternative media always trying to sell something

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