Mr. Rucker, your closing question omits the possibility of an "and" answer: After all I've seen since January 21, 2021, I have to conclude that it's definitely a Deep State (4th Branch) conspiracy, but one that is being enacted by idiots.

Everything the Bidenistas have said and done since taking office has been a rolling train wreck of ineptitude and confusion...layered upon blatant dishonesty and unabashed hypocrisy.

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you people are delusional. It doesn't matter if it get's thrown out. It doesn't matter if it was based on lies and it doesn't matter if it was intentional. Once the story is out there Trump is now guilty. That's all they wanted. They got exactly what they wanted. Facts don't matter to democrats and most conservatives. Anyone remember Russiagate which was far worse. The biggest case of election denial coupled with treasonous sedition to overturn a valid election? Who went to jail over this? Oh that's right NOBODY. And democrats still believe that Trump colluded with Russia so please stop pretending that the democrats are stupid and don't know what they are doing.

There is absolutely nothing that has been done since Biden was installed in office that is inept. It is a globalist agenda to destroy this nation and bring it into submission to a European Union which is exactly where we are headed. The only ineptitude I can see is in the republicans in congress that are allowing it to happen and the "republicans" at home that are voting for the people allowing it to happen making them the most inept ignorant bunch of people that ever walked on the planet. Sorry but that's the fact. The Country isn't like it is today because of democrats. It's like this because of republicans. Plain and simple. So let's start taking responsibility for the mess we created and stop blaming everyone else. It's getting old.

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That noted, excellent reporting! Not even CFP has this yet.

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This was just another form of SWATing. The judge knows that. The judge is a willing actor in the lawlessness.

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This wasn't about getting Trump, it was about smearing him before the midterms.

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I think they were looking for documents Trump had on them.

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Great article, I hope this ends this whole thing. However, the dem's and FBI already got what they wanted. They wanted to see what Trump had and cause a stir enough to make headlines to divert the story away from some of Joe's other BIG problems that surfaced in the last two weeks. Damage has already been done.

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There are no Democrats only Marxist-socialist.

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Tie the alphabet soup up in 4th amendment issues till the cows come home. String this out into next year so that Jim Jordan can destroy these clowns in the House Judiciary hearings. Shut down anything that Biden has plans for in his lame duck or dead duck years. Wait to get back the Presidency in 2024 and finally take the gloves off and defund the FBI into oblivion.

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Everything about this contrived raid is to grab and digest attorney client privileged information they could not get through their illegal electronic surveillance methods we all know they use. This whole facade of ludicrous law done by the FB-lie and the Dept of "just us" is so blatant and full of big brother stink it fools nobody but the sheep.

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Blah blah blah blah blah blah!

Irrelevant. The USA is a marxist, fascist lawless police state. Rule of law is irrelevant at this point.

Castrated conservatives won't do a thing about it either, obviously.

Their wives won't let them off their leashes.

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Blah blah blah blah blah blah!

Irrelevant. The USA is a marxist, fascist lawless police state. Rule of law is irrelevant at this point.

Castrated conservatives won't do a thing about it either, obviously.

Their wives won't let them off their leashes.

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Nahhhh... if he gets indicted in DC, then the corrupt DC judge, along with the biased BLM jury, will convict Trump just for breathing.

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And for all the illegalities the cult marches on with the subtle nod from the Uniparty members in the GOP. The turtle plays the enemy of my enemy is my friend in this Sub Rosa tactic to retain power at the expense of the American citizen.

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Quite clearly, President Trump won’t go to jail even if he was stealing secrets to impress his pals in Russia and Saudi Arabia because he’s rich and laughs at all the poor dumb suckers that send him money every time he asks!

He’s loving those Hitler salutes too. Poors are so funny!

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^^^Stage 4 TDS apparently. 😂😂😂

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Agree. Months ago both Palozi and Psaki said President Obama instead of Biden.Palozi never corrected herself. Psaki also said President Obam. Both times she corrected herself Before she quit, she was saying "The President " .Her last days she was back saying " President Biden". Republicans and Trump have alot of work to do.

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The process is the punishment. The FBI has nothing but half the country thinks they do.

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Don't doubt me on this: The Mar-A-Lago theatrics were a ruse to retrieve all declassified documents, so the FBI (and maybe CIA) could remove damning documents related to Crossfire Hurricane, Zubaydah, Thailand detention centers, Geneva convention violations, Benghazi, Steel dossier, and January 6th FBI/CIA involvement.

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It's blowing up. Too many desperate moves and false flag events going on to be otherwise.

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