Think things are bad now for (conservative) Republicans? Think things are tough for Trump now? Hang on-- you haven't seen anything yet. If you thought the demorats were devious, dishonest, etc. trying to keep Trump from being elected in 2016 or that the devils were even more evil in 2020, wait until next year. Same internet-connected voting machines, same paper ballots, same vote early vote often, only now they have had more time to perfect the cheating. Polls have Trump leading, but do you think that makes a difference? American patriots need to re-gain control of the illegitimate government. It is the only way to keep the USA from collapsing.

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Biden got 81 million votes? Not hardly. At no time then or now, or any time in between, have I ever thought that Biden was a legitimate leader. They cheated. Hard. Legitimate votes? Probably about 35 million. If that. Trump was robbed. America was robbed. Freedom is under attack.

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Hardly anyone showed up when he did speak in public. The 'audience' was primarily reporters.

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