Francis Beta O'Rourke Goes on the Least Authentic Morning Run in the History of Morning Runs
He's just a moron. So are his supporters.
Millions of Americans wake up most mornings, put on their running gear, and start their day outdoors with an invigorating walk or job. But out of those millions, only one moron does it in a dess shirt. That idiot is Francis "Beto" O'Rourke.
He was inviting people to a run in Corpus Christi for his Texas gubernatorial campaign. To demonstrate what a "run" is, the candidate decided to be filmed while running in his blue shirt... the same blue shirt he seems to wear everywhere. You know, just in case the word "run" needed a demonstration for his moronic followers.
Watch and try not to laugh at the most disingenuous campaign clip of all time.
Here are a few thoughts on the matter:
Democrats often miss the mark with their attempts at proper optics. Beto misses it far worse than anyone who has ever run for office, which is why he's just a professional candidate, not an elected leader.
I almost snorted my coffee with some of the tweet responses to this clown.
For all the dems out there who say..."that's not the democrat party...when asked about antif/blm riots, the muslim activists in congress, genders surgery and hysterectomies' for adolescents, the championing of abortion murders, especially after birth, FJB (need I say more) and a host of other things...THIS IS YOUR PARTY...and you lost it, by not standing and calling out the ass clowns that infiltrated it, when you saw them do things like this.
The silence form deafening, from the old school...crickets...or is it Nancy opening the door to her subzero ice cream treasure chest??? You dems deserved to lose your party, for being simps and frightened sheeple.
Hail beto, long live the great white Latinx!!