I guess it’s true... most people never leave high school. Our government is an embarrassment. Never thought this before 2021.

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A highly trained interrogator and field operator approaches this interview from the perspective of a hostile entity attempting to extract truth by way of a filmed question and answer format. Wray is not telling the complete truth. His cheerleading for an agency reeling from revelations from whistleblower testimony is laughable.

I found his touting the amazing numbers of people with advanced degrees seeking employment with the FBI scary. Anyone reading the news knows who the FBI is targeting, who the administration is persecuting, and those applying for the FBI are joining that team.

It is clear the FBI requires a top down audit and restructuring. At the very least, the FBI headquarters needs to be relocated to an urban center in the heartland of the USA. The DC swamp has corrupted the soul of a once proud and venerated organization.

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His eyes says he's a liar...

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His body language screamed out he was lying!

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His profession says he's a liar

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