I think if you are a Christian who believes in the scripture you should pay careful attention to when God engages in a play on words. God knowing the end from the beginning can write things such as "and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," when a man named Bill Gates would attempt to bring hell on earth through an illegitimate "vaccine" just before the end. Given that, consider all that has been brought to array against Donald Trump, and how almost mysteriously, it always fails. Then consider the unlikelihood that his last name would be Trump for "such a time as this." (Esther 4:14) when similarly powerful people plotted to exterminate God's people from the Earth.

Given these things, what do *you* suppose the play on words might mean when Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15:52 says, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

There are two plays here. The first is the fact that the term trumpet is repeated twice in two different variations. Something is being communicated here and there is emphasis on a shortened version of trump and that version is associated with the "last" or "end" or "final".

We must understand that there is a convergence of signs coming, and this is just one more of these signs. There is another set of signs coming in April concerning the eclipse and the 7 Ninenvah's the shadow of the eclipse will pass through. If they do exercise what is suggested in 1 Corinthians 15:52 then we can expect he who is dead in Christ to be raised incorruptible before we who are alive and remain are also changed to meet the Lord in the air.

As far as the fact that these scriptural terms are in English, I would also point out that if God truly knows the end from the beginning, he would know what language his words would ultimately be translated into as a primary language during the end times and that someone would have the appropriate last name to fulfill his translated scripture.

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I think the United Nations is behind her!! She was ambassador to UN & has never said a word about their plans for UN Agenda 21 that will make us part of a communist one world gov no one reports on & Nikki has not said a word! Trump is against it, wants to keep our sovereignty!!!

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Duh it took this long to figure it out???? Of course she is waiting for Trump's demise by prison or assassination. Like Seth Rich, Antonin Scalia, JFK, RFK, MLK he will be taken out by some lone maniac MAGA supporter patsy. The Secret Service cannot protect him from the Deep State.

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Nikki Haley will be the Democratic presidential nominee after Joe finally bows out. It makes most sense as to why her losing campaign persists. She is getting a fawning press, and still gets funds to support her campaign despite the apparent inability to garner more votes than "none of these candidates." The most logical conclusion is that she is talking directly to conservatives, knowing that in the future she will automatically have the Democrat vote because... Orange Man Bad. Having the programmed human NPCs on the left as "guaranteed" votes, and the indoctrinated and lost "conservative" votes on the right, she makes it more plausible that "mail in votes" could tip the scales in favor of the next swamp creature to rise. Remember we aren't fighting a logical battle, we are fighting a battle trying to wake those who are asleep and are content to let the government run on cruise control, because they actually believe that everything is fine.

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Wow, woke up this morning thinking this exact thing.

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Actually, a few on the left have already telescoped their potential for extreme action with hints of taking Trump out. IF not that, they have already started setting up orgs to litigate everything he attempts and tie him up in court. The width and spread of their extreme hatred is frightening. IF he is able to take the election and, IF he does a better job this time of vetting advisors, etc., there is hope the Founders' experiment maybe saved. But if he falters on any of this, America the savior of world nations, will sink into the darkness of the hatred seen across all our large cities and the two coasts. There is hope albeit it is dim. Yesterday i heard a speech by Nayib Bukele in El Salvador. He is great! And also, we have Xavier Milei of Argentina turning around a budget great deed. It is unfortunate we do not have one of them at our Southern Border.

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