Screw the wokesters, this good entertainment where good overcomes evil.

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It has Alpha males in it. That makes effeminate Hollywood despise it before it is out. That’s why sane people with real jobs enjoy non woke entertainment. We don’t care who anyone sleeps with as long as it’s not kids.

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It's not for the woke generation as there are no trannies, no kiddie porn of any type, no fluffy nightclub scenes, no rainbows, no Unicorns, and no puppies. I thought it was one of the best serials of the past 3 years.

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How about we crowd fund the next season.

Screw these woke assholes that are behind every shit show this place has experienced.

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I loved the show too. Totally agree with Phergus about some flaws but the storyline and acting were pretty darn good. Loved the twists at the end.

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Love the show

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I binged watched it with the wife several weeks ago...loved it. having been in the Army decades ago I detected only a couple flaws in some of the military aspects , but hey that's just how movies/film is so you have to take the little bad bits with the overwhelming good .

Remember back in 2000 the show Dark Angel...was slated for another season and 9/11 made it go away as it's theme was a rebellion against corrupt govt power.

Recently there was a series about a portal discovered in Berlin to an alternate reality. Govt's kept it hush hush and one alternate reality had a virus decimate it's world. It used that virus to attack the intact reality...and then covid came along and it oddly got canceled . It would/may have allowed people to assume that maybe covid was not such an accident after all. Weird how more or less reality themed shows get nixed when the govt narratives follow the scripts too closely.

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