If all the moronic dupes that crave blind obedience to government, like Doug, were to disappear, would that be a bad thing?

People like Doug work together, as a majority, to increase state power to oppress freedom minded, free thinking people. These cowardly sheep back the oppression of their neighbors. This has been a problem for all of human history.

People like Doug are NOT Americans. Government worshipers have no business calling themselves Americans, they're United Statesians, for the corporation "UNITED STATES" listed in USC TITLE 28, CH6, 3002 15a "UNITED STATES, a federal corporation".

The UNITED STATES and The United States of America are NOT the same thing.

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Well, in a way if people like Doug were to all disappear it would be a bad thing. First is the concept of relative vs. absolute. e.g. there is no beauty without examples of ugliness. Second all of these dupes are still people which we hope will wake up and join us in exposing this charade

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As long as they are not allowed to vote for police to oppress the rest of us, as ALL the 'laws' they vote for are enforced.

There will still be plenty of selfish people for us to contrast to, no matter how many morons are eliminated.

Most people crave submission to government/authority. That's always a factor in politics. Please read Escape From Freedom by Erich Fromme.

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"Most people crave submission to government/authority."

I've not heard this expressed before, but it instantly rings true in my mind. I will read Escape From Freedom this very weekend.

To carry it a bit further, i can see that many (at least) of those same people also crave to be recognized as an insightful warrior promoting the group's position no matter how contrary to all logic or human value.

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You were wrong, Doug. and you paid for it. Thank you for being the witless dupe that proved my suspicions right, even though you are one of the many that tried to mislead me with lies about the nature and safety of the "vaccine" that killed you. I just hope you are judged correctly for all those whom you may have convinced to poison themselves, as you did, rather than use you as a canary as you proposed. Adios, genius.

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I agree that this guy and his ilk, are the problem. Pushing deadly jabs, with rhetoric and disinformation. I would have given him credit, for his pre-death statement, except, it doesn't seem (by this story alone), that he put provisions in place to have an in-depth autopsy and study of his corps done. Had he put in a will, that he wanted a full bio investigation done, to include investigation into the proliferation of the spike throughout his body, organ irregularities, blood work abnormalities...as compared to his pre-jab work up, etc., then I would have tipped the hat, to him. Anyone with the courage of their convictions, has my respect, for that only.

I would do the same for someone who was standing at the edge of a cliff, with wings made of feathers and wax, stating he could fly like a bird. If he flies, then all the anti-birdhuman people are wrong, but if he goes splat, then they were right. Would I think him a fool?? OH YEA!!

Would I respect his conviction, I would!

Living and dyeing by your beliefs, is admirable.

Of course the bodybuilder didn't set up the postmortem procedures needed, to prove he was right. No conviction in his short sighted virtue signaling. You can bet if he had won the competition, he would have been all over the net, saying how he was fine and the jab helped him win.

They keep dropping and the unjabbed keep counting them up.

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Bodybuilders are notorious users of anabolic steroids to bulk up their muscles. And, since your heart is a muscle. Injecting steroids to bulk up your muscles will also have the same effect on your heart. Add in spike proteins which have now been shown to attack the heart and the lining of the heart and it's a recipe for disaster. I'd like to know where he got his research material from in order to form his opinion of the Moderna vaccine. If he had knowledge as to how the spike proteins affect young males and their hearts he might have been more cautious about getting vaccinated and using steroids while bodybuilding. As it is, there's just no easy way to tell dead people, I told you so.

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I don't think old Dougie boy intended to become the poster child for all of us conspiracy theorist anti vaxxers, BUT HE DID.

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write on his stone; "they were right"

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In Canada there are many like Doug - some very mouthy about the benefits and others just following orders. The Canadian WEF affiliated government under Trudeau, is STILL advertising that children need to be vaccinated! They don’t listen to anyone one else but Claus Schwab’s “science”.

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We still have ads here in the US encouraging the jab for the youngest, as well. It's always done with an air of light heartedness, bc naturally we all want to keep our precious children safe. 😡

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This is very sad. How in the name of the good Lord could someone like a body builder gamble with his life? It boggles the mind.

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It's elementary my dear Terri, he was so involved with building his body that he neglected building his brain. You know, like all the major sports players.

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And the body builders I've known, including those not in it professionally, seem to have an obsession with the latest nutritional discoveries and would do and consume anything on the list of magical certainty and absolute "sensibility" of giving themselves an edge toward physical perfection. It seems completely addictive.

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Exactly! I'm reminded of Mongo in Blazing Saddles, LOL

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The Communists in Washington DC will never admit the vaccine was depopulation scheme until the entire town is burned to the ground and the powers that pushed the evil vaccines are made to tell the truth.

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The beautiful thing about these vaxxes is, it's going to be a wonderful world without liberals.

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This story is getting very limited coverage. Is there no one, or no organization which will "honor" this man's self sacrifice to make this very public? While the direct damage done by the vaccines is not actionable based on the "Emergency Use" law, isn't the continued LYING by the government and the manufacturers punishable? This vaccine program amounts to a government sponsored CON JOB.

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Let's try and quantify as well as qualify this incident with an autopsy report made public.

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If the real non-political researchers/clinicians are correct, however, autopsies can show ultimate cause of death, but not necessarily the elements that promoted and accelerated the cause - because the "vaccines" are said to attack in random ways and on random timelines. So, it's not just a heart thing, but can be lungs or brain or any other aspect of health and may not even appear for years, if ever - apparently. So if autopsy shows a clogged heart or brain anomalies or liver failure, etc, it could be attributed to "vaccines" or to bad dietary habits or to natural congenital weakness. I don't think there is currently an absolute proof, so that will keep the denial going for a long time, no doubt.

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I think this is a result of these people not knowing history or ever reading. That’s all elites do and governments- lie

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This story is getting very limited coverage. Is there no one, or no organization which will "honor" this man's self sacrifice to make this very public? While the direct damage done by the vaccines is not actionable based on the "Emergency Use" law, isn't the continued LYING by the government and the manufacturers punishable? This vaccine program amounts to a government sponsored CON JOB.

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Normally, I'd question whether it was the vaccine. But bodybuilders are dropping like flies from steroid use, and in this case you have an aging bodybuilder, who likely used steroids for a long period of time, and was prepping for a posing exhibition within a week or so, which commonly assumes the use of diuretics. He wouldn't be the first bodybuilder to die in the weeks before a contest because of the strain prepping and prepping substances put on the body. And his age makes it even more dangerous.

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Why are the healthiest and youngest dying more now?

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