The USA government tells you and me who to hate and what to think

the one thing the Democrats/CIA/FBI hate more then anything else is free thinkers

I for one see Assange as a hero. This is in part what the fight in this nation is all about

A CIA that is above the law around the world, under in part by our tax dollars and trafficking of drugs, Over troughing governments & killing people who will not play ball

this goes even deeper.

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This plea deal was all about securing Assange’s silence over the DNC hack. That incident was used as a predicate to spy on a sitting president, the DOJ and the USG couldn’t afford having Assange say it was Seth Rich who sent him those files.

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Assange is a world class patriot and should have the highest medal of freedom, not that there is such a thing in this satanic ghoul psychopath run world, and reparations for the damage and horror he has undergone.

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Actually, in light of ALL the crimes the doj/fbi/intel agencies have committed in their coup of Trump, lying to fisa judges and courts, lying about the Steele dossier when they knew it was a tall tale generated illegally by Hillary Clinton, etc., etc., on and on, Assange should be pardoned and awarded a Prez Medal for service to the Nation. The true criminals hid in the DOJ/FBI/Intel, etc., they lied and misrepresented law.

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Thank God! Finally Mr Assange will be done with this atrocity. 🙏🏼

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