Oct 22, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

Thanks to NewsMax for confirming who I will follow even more now. Lara is amazing when she isn’t even trying.

If they call her Unhinged, can you imagine what they must be calling people who like her?.

The LibertyDaily is my go to, damn they work hard there to bring the best info.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by JD Rucker

I was initially excited about Newsmax and OANN because several shows on both channels appeared to give voice to common sense, traditional, I love America viewpoints. Sadly, it quickly became apparent that something was wrong with management. This substack clearly explains the underlying facts and helps me DISCERN the Truth. Thank you JD!

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Is there something wrong with OANN?, I mostly follow and watch RBSN for footage and periodically try to keep up with OANN but like most….their hottest Host with the most doesn’t show herself enough.

Fill me in on OANN?

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We stopped a subscription to Newsmax several years ago when its owner stated publicly that he donated $1,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation (massage parlor and 'money laundering org' in Little Rock) out of "admiration" for Bill Clinton. That is what he said publicly. A $1,000,000 to that phony foundation! - We immediately stopped our subscription to Newsmax and never read another fake article by that grifter liar.

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Lara is the truth teller here. For those who side with evil or even hedge their bets the bible has clear instruction and prediction on their fate.

gonna cancel a half used up subscription to newsmax monday

God Bless and ultimate. protection to Lara and her ilk.

unhinged my bunkie. golden strands of truth from a beautiful woman

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Every real conservative that goes on that network going forward needs to repeat that last line.

"They may think they are going to become gods. Yuval Harari and all of the rest of them at the World Economic Forum. You know, the ones who want us eating insects and cockroaches while they dine on the blood of children."

They can't ban everyone.

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Newsmax took money from the Biden regime to push the covid death shots.

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Was this before or after the Taco Jill Biden softball interview?? I lost all hope and faith in Newsmax the day they shut down Mike Lindell from exposing the fake election. They are no different than CNN

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From her earliest days of reporting Lara Logan has been a world-class journalist. If you are looking for the unvarnished truth Lara Logan will provide, otherwise CNN is your pablum. I very much appreciate your frankness concerning Newsmax. There are some hosts that I believe are honorable and trustworthy but, still, something has always seemed out-of-joint. Thank you for illuminating their business model. I admit I will miss several of their hosts but will not allow myself to compromise my principles. Newsmax, if you want to kick a fine person such as Lara Logan in the teeth, don't expect me to return to see whom you will do it too next. JD Rucker, thank you.

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Ok. I'm confused. I'm not a Christian, I don't believe in any religion on this Earth, but I didn't hear ANYTHING repugnant at all in that video.

I could care less if people voice their religious views, it doesn't bother me or anybody else that I know that aren't Christians. I'm free to voice my beliefs, religions can voice their beliefs, it's called freedom and freedom of speech. I don't know what exactly it was that offended the station.

We need to pass legislation that ends this censorship nonsense. It should also be illegal for news outlets to purposefully print lies they know aren't true.

I believe in a free press, I don't believe in freedom of propaganda by licensed news outlets.

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Agreement in principal but the devil is in the details. One person's propaganda is another's truth. There are some things we might call absolute truths like gravity (the opposite of comedy?) or maybe even that; Is it waves or force? And then who or what is the arbiter? Better to just have no censorship at all and have each of us be our own arbiters.

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It's scary how powerful Satan has become of late. He controls so much of the media and so many of the world leaders in addition to some rich and powerful folks. We have to fight for every inch of ground these days.

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Yeah, and the biggest boost to satan comes from the vatican. The pope is as evil as evil can get. Any Catholic that follows the pope, follows satan.

That sick evil turd is a pervert, child molesting, fascist. He helps evil every chance he gets.

Believe in god and worship him, but kick the fake religions to the curb, they're a tool of satan.

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The current pope IMHO is a demon straight from hell.

This king of pedophiles spends far more time pushing his Marxist agenda than he does spreading the gospel.

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Networks that ban and censor are essentially saying "We don't agree with freedom of speech" and should be ignored by the vast populace of Americans whose political power depends upon freedom of speech.

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About the only censor-free platform I have found is Rumble

Truth Social which was sold as a censor-free platform recently banned Dr. Sheri Tenpenny for life because, the multi degreed expert in the field of vaccines and viruses, after doing in-depth studies of them has determined that they have many ingredients in them that are harmful to those that have taken these untested experimental pseudo vaccines, that have been proven to not cure, stop the transfer of infections or prevent the vaccinated to keep from getting the infection again.

In fact, the opposite has been proven true that the most vaccinated cities and states continue to have the highest reinfection rates

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Lara is 100% correct, Fauci along with his mentor Bill Gates should both be tried on charges of crimes against humanity.

NewsMax like FAUX News is nothing more than the controlled opposition.

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I like Lara Logan and Newsmax not so much stopped watching and listening to them years ago. I do believe there is a conspiracy to shut all Christians up and the Democrat party is under those conspirators control. The and there is a battle between good and evil happening right now. Unfortunately some people called Christians like Warnock in Georgia are among them.

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NewsMax has often shown in the past, that like FAUX News they are nothing more than the controlled opposition.

Lara is right as rain when it comes to Fauci, he and his mentor Bill Gates should both be tried for crimes against humanity.

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Stopped following NewsMax after they relegated Grant Stinchfield to the back burner.

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