Trump needs to strongly acknowledge our broken election system and how none of us can be free until it is fixed. A system where a “landslide can overcome democrat cheating” is not a working electoral system. Stolen elections have consequences for the society that does nothing about them. We are living with those consequences right now. Of course the people who tried seek redress as guaranteed under 1A are rotting in jail without trial and even Trump himself being saddled with court cases for exposing the lies and deception that were the 2020 election.

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I'm out on a limb. So I have my bookie on the phone, no one, not named Trump, will be the Republican nominee.

Shakespeare's phrase, "Past is prologue", means the past shapes the future. Over the last 8 years, I was pretty sure Trump was knocked down and could not come back. I can't recount the times, I've been wrong. All of them is my best guess. Yet, right on cue, Trump's back. Not like whack-a-mole back. Like Godzilla back.

My observation, the entire country, less the Trump supporters, are suffering from cognitive dissonance. In the case of Biden, 70% don't want him to run again. His age, memory and his lack of agility weigh heavily on the minds of Democrats. Further, he fabricates stories about his past, requiring the White House to correct him, on the fly. He has repeatedly told the voters to "watch me". And, they have. Now Democrats are praying` for a suitable substitute. Why are they praying? Biden and Trump are tied in the polls. Do Democrat voters really believe that Biden and Trump are tied.

Democrat voters know Trump is guilty of every accusation. Past allegations did not stand up to scrutiny. The commonality in the allegations always seemed to be more shocking than the past. If half the country believes Trump lead the insurrection, well, then, he did. Not that much difference than the belief OJ Simpson was guilty. Even after he was found not guilty, everyone just knew he did it.

Trump has 91 charges and if you only listen to the Left, he could spend the next 400 years in prison. Now, with 4 court dates on some very untested legal grounds, the Left is all but saying, "We got him." Looking back, that's what was said for every episode that was alleged against Trump. Followed by crickets.

However, nothing says "loser", like taking out an insurance policy on your brilliant strategy. If you believe 91 charges will sink Trump and allow more charges to filed later, why is there talk about the 14th Amendment? That's simple. If half the country believes Trump lead the insurrection, well, then, he did. Not that much difference than the belief OJ Simpson was guilty. Even after he was found not guilty, everyone just knew he did it.

Republican leadership also believes Trump can't win. Karl Rove says Trump can't win the general election. Trump leads the declared candidates at 60%. His closest opponent is 15ish%. There is little doubt the Republicans that prefer someone other than Trump, will change from "not right now, but maybe later Trumpers" to Trump voters.

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Gee whiz!

He's on to something. To save the Nation, regain the respect of foreign powers, stop all the woke nonsense, Trump is needed in our WH. The elites are going to the rear of this bus. Hopefully, forever.

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