Thank you, JD. Your writing with great clarity, your explanations, your insights are all greatly appreciated. I get tons of email with some interesting and well written articles, but i am very close to dropping all but yours and maybe 2 others. 😊

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

"...compared to the corruption we know Trump is involved in."

So many libs like to accuse Trump of "thousands of lies" and of being racist, and a Nazi, and getting rich from presidency, etc... yet of those accusations i never hear anyone able to get specific. I ask, "of the 1000's of lies, can you name 10? No? Ok, how about 5? 3? Even one?"

Virtually none of their accusations against Trump can stand up in the light... whereas, all of those tendered against biden are readily proven and usually documented on video and in Senate records.

Such people are spiritually blind, which i believe makes them either unable to see the truth, or unwilling to see truth. Either way is evil, because it all stems from their rejection of the one who is the Author of truth.

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