She looks very qualified. Is her PhD in meteorology? Environmental Science?

It is definitely not about the science any more. Marketing and fraud...follow the money.

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Sophia Kianni's phd is in social media - where she has learned to type 150 words per minute of abbreviated gibberish. Otherwise, her indoctrination studies centered on the pseudo science of climate hype which is still continuing at Stanford. Her outstanding characteristic is her arrogant, condescending message delivered from an excitingly hot, white female body that caught the attention of the lusting old fascists at the UN.

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The cringe of it all is becoming unbearable.

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I do not recall it being mentioned in the article so I will ask. Is this brat actually being paid a salary by the U.N., and if so, I would say that this mismanagement of contributions alone, would be a valid argument for ending all contributions to the U.N. Next, since the U.N. will not fully reveal their true agenda, in conjunction with W.E.F., I will:

I also believe that this is adequate proof that the "climate agenda" is a manufactured crisis. It is no more genuine than Pillsbury's spokes-thing, the "Pillsbury Dough Boy" promoting the sale of bake-at-home bread products. "Climate Change" is nothing more than a sales campaign to sell a "product." In this case the ultimate product is the enslavement of mankind for the benefit of an elitist minority of greedy, demonic bastards who view humanity as a troublesome commodity. To them that commodity must be managed, manipulated, enslaved and worked, made unqualified to enjoy the benefits of modern-day life on Earth (I.e., not allowed to own and drive a fossil fueled vehicle --- Don't forget, an EV will not allow you to drive more than 250-300 away from home.), and, where and when necessary, CULLED OUT OF EXISTENCE. So, of this silly-headed little girl, it might be said by someone, and I will be that person, that the U.N. has just made her "The U.N.'s Little Miss Death of Humanity Promoter for 2022." So, Sophia Kianni, welcome to the real world.

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Gotta say, I do feel some warming...

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This bimbo fits right in with the other idiots at the UN.

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