18 hours after the event. There is a hazy picture. If he were White, wearing a MAGA hat and an NRA t-shirt, we would know the name of his Third Grade teacher. Additionally, we would know about the weapon, how much ammo he had. What was his mental health status? Does he have a manifesto? Will we see it? When someone asks you why you support Trump, he tells us the truth. "They bring their problems with them."

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Corporate Media, mainstream media acts more as a voice for Dems/leftists than an actual journalism role. They usually do not treat MTG objectively or fairly.

Many who are truly informed (vs those voicing mere propaganda) on the political scene today estimate this coming week will be Hell for traditional America, once the land of the free and home of the brave, and a land of law and order. Billionaire leftists are invested in Obama's announced goal to basically reinvent America. The grotesquely incompetent and actually evil dude in the Oval Office today has a team behind him accomplishing Obama's wish. Please listen to this, the fellow himself admits he was born off America soil - therefore, was not qualified to run for President.


Too many other nations view us as fools for allowing such an incompetent as our currently Prez. Many such nations are already moving to disengage from the USA. It that continues or grows, we Americans will enter a period resembling the dark ages. MTG, although sometimes as gruff as Trump, is what we need in our present circumstance. It is extremely important that EACH and EVERY correct thinking legal citizen vote correctly in November of 2024. Mexico, under presidents like Lopez Obrador and anyone in their PRI Party, will never clean out the cartels. Why? Far too many MX politicians are on the take there. It hurts me to say that Mexico would need a real revolution to clean out the cartels there because that cancer of cartels is in stage 4 there. We are in a similar situation here with the billionaires' investment in speech control and control of information citizens need to properly make decisions. E.g., remember how the media keep Obama's association with Farrakan out of the news, remember how Biden did so little compaigning in 2020? Forces financed by leftist billionaires control the free flow of information. Please prepare and vote properly in Nov. 2024.

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Exactamundo. He may be someone with a mental health issue, as in the case of Atlanta shooter Deion Patterson. I don't know what the answer is, but concealed carry is a reasonable option.

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Does a ‘gun free zone’ prevent anything?

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

She’s the moron who is in public office. Stop talking and endlessly running your mouth and do something. I’m sick and tired of these virtue signaling republicans. Who do absolutely nothing but offer solutions and make no efforts to implement them.

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"The shooting occurred at a gun free zone outlet mall." isn't that just infamous. He knew no one would stop him. thankfully a cop was in there or the toll would have been much, much higher.

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