Why would anyone listen to renowned douchnozzle Jack Posobiac?

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More likely they are moving to invade Taiwan and support Putin when he declares war on NATO, which is likely to happen any day.

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IMHO, any 'turmoil' within the CCP likely involves the invasion of Taiwan, and why it has not occurred yet. Some elements think it is long past i.e. that the war of aggression that the military has been preparing for should have begun by now, especially during this time when the US, totally disorganized, not unified and fixated on Russia, is being led by a confused and utter fool, Biden. Xi may have been a force for restraint because China is gaining so much without a shot being fired, knowing many things may come apart under a war footing. They may be waiting for the US and Russia to start throwing nukes, a situation they stand to gain so much from.

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