I think Noem has been UNDENIABLY pro Second Amendment and THAT is (IMHO) a huge recommendation. I’m not in that state, but she damn sure presents better than the RINOS who enjoy a supermajority here in Tennessee! Perhaps she’s not so much milquetoast as she is just normal GOP. Name me a better Veep choice BESIDES Kari Lake (she’s needed in the Senate). I don’t trust Ramaswamy. For a bunch of reasons. MTG has become a McCarthy Swamp Creature. I guess I’d support Matt Gaetz, but he’s so far all talk no action. Okay, I’d support Sarah Huckabee Sanders totally.
Well, in my little view we are at a real iconic moment in the Nation's history.. IF the Dems win again in November of 2024, we will be past the practical point for return to normalcy. Republicans simply MUST win the Senate, the WH, win more seats in the House. Four more years, or Heaven forbid, eight more years of this Obama/Biden corruption will move the Nation beyond being able to turn it around. So, WHATEVER it takes for us to win simply must be accomplished. IF this means someone like Kristi, ok. DeSantis has said he would not accept a VP position. Maybe VIvek would. Barring a stronger VP candidate, again, I say, whomever it takes to win is the person we need.
Kristi Noem being President
Trump placed every damn RINO
In almost every CAB
Kristi is the BEST AMERICAN
And i will reserve judgement on how she deals with THE WAR THAT IS COMING
Should be in place
I think Noem has been UNDENIABLY pro Second Amendment and THAT is (IMHO) a huge recommendation. I’m not in that state, but she damn sure presents better than the RINOS who enjoy a supermajority here in Tennessee! Perhaps she’s not so much milquetoast as she is just normal GOP. Name me a better Veep choice BESIDES Kari Lake (she’s needed in the Senate). I don’t trust Ramaswamy. For a bunch of reasons. MTG has become a McCarthy Swamp Creature. I guess I’d support Matt Gaetz, but he’s so far all talk no action. Okay, I’d support Sarah Huckabee Sanders totally.
Well, in my little view we are at a real iconic moment in the Nation's history.. IF the Dems win again in November of 2024, we will be past the practical point for return to normalcy. Republicans simply MUST win the Senate, the WH, win more seats in the House. Four more years, or Heaven forbid, eight more years of this Obama/Biden corruption will move the Nation beyond being able to turn it around. So, WHATEVER it takes for us to win simply must be accomplished. IF this means someone like Kristi, ok. DeSantis has said he would not accept a VP position. Maybe VIvek would. Barring a stronger VP candidate, again, I say, whomever it takes to win is the person we need.