I know how trite this sounds, but "When the inmates are running the asylum." I am in my seventh decade of life. To my earliest memory is the fact, the FACT that the last act to ever be committed by a human being would be to launch a nuclear first strike. Yet this "option" is now raised in public discussion with no more destress than to ask if this Christmas you were considering buying your son his first glove, bat and ball. "Do you see how sophisticated I am? I can say launch a nuclear first strike on Russia to punish them for not submitting to Biden's/D.C.'s/NATO's/Davos' orders to submit to the will of the Ukraine. I can say it even should it mean the annihilation of all humanity, all life on the planet. That will teach Putin to not to mess with the O'biden brain trust." As a six-year-old boy, on my knees, hands clasped behind my head, under my desk I understood, should that happen, I would be dust and it frightened me to the very core of my little being. I have carried this truth with me for over 70 years. Where has that truth gone? It was replaced by Satan with Hell's bravado.

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praying that this doesn’t happen.

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