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Video of these democrats, like Reptillary, killing, cooking and eating 5,000 black babies would elicit applause.

DemoKKKrats NEVER get punished.

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Wow. Just wow. The deep state scum had him under control the whole time. Our government is a corrupt as a third world banana republic.

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All the reports, bombshells, smoking guns, truth-bombs, krakens, documentation, videos, affidavits, whistleblowers, investigations, and congressional hearings don't mean a damn thing.

The Clintons, the Kenyan, the Bidens, the Bushes, and the rest of the lying, globalist turds are still adding to their ill-gotten fortunes. Like a dog rolling on it's back in carrion, they're dancing on the graves of the founding fathers.

The Constitution is dead. The borders are wide open. Kids are being indoctrinated, and the military is a sick joke. Don't forget to buy gold and support the toenail fungus industry, though.

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The Durham report is very troubling that, apparently, he elected to release it after the Statue of Limitations. Otoh, his keeping to the truth of the coup is greatly appreciated. At least now we have complete confirmation of the depth of corruption at the DOJ, FBI, the Intelligence Agencies. Our next GOP President absolutely must erase the FBI forever. The lab may be kept but everyone of the agents and org must be removed and the pensions of crooks like Comey, Strzok, etc., must be taken away. These crooks/thugs must not be allowed to keep fat pensions after what they have done to the decent American Citizen. As for the DOJ, immediately after taking his Oath of Office, our upcoming President must fire all the lawyers in the DOJ, each and every one of them and replace them with vetted and honest lawyers. These two operations must be done well within the first week in Office. NO MORE leaving corrupt Obama appointees in their positions for months or years like President Trump did last time; NO MORE. Bring in Mike Flynn immediately and instruct him to clean up Intelligence. Remove and erase 16 of the 17 intelligence agencies immediately. Remove fat Milley and remove his pension. Same with the grossly obese and nearly illiterate Austin and erase his pension. Do not allow either of these two incompetents to work for any industrial/military company like Boeing or Lockheed, etc., except, if they really need the work, allow them to work merely as janitors or gardners for Boeing or Lockheed, etc., iow, they should not be allowed to sell influence even for one day more.

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