I was recently recruited by a company for an upper level mgmt. position. When I was informed that they used Salesforce (which is essentially an intelligence agency tool tracking economic behavior, the CEO is an FBI/CIA asset), I declined and told them why. This was very gratifying.

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Who cares! Go already….sick of these Martha Vineyard hypocrites. Adios. Red states can easily live without ANY of his business.

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Folks, when this crap has died down and the pendulum swings back the other way, remember the megalomaniacs of this time in history. Do everything you can to drive them out of business.

Sure, they can do what they want with their companies, but we don't have to accept their coercion and blackmail.

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Well, you kind of do. He can pull his (subscription) based product out of anywhere he feels like it. If you, or any businesses you count on use Salesforce, and want to be mean to women and immigrants, he can do that, and you have to “accept” that.

No Salesforce for Christian Taliban Nazi States!

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This creep will spend eternity in the lake of fire if he doesn't repent and change his ways. God will not be mocked whether you believe it or not!

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The ultra rich elites who become ultra crazy calling out normal people in the real world with functioning moral compasses as cray-cray. That's the program we are on right now.

SFDC sucks by the way. Ask any person who knows how to sell and he/she/they/them will tell you that.

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