LIFE IN PRISON WITHOUT POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE. As a retired deputy, I can barely read this. It’s sickening. This man retired after dealing with monsters like this his entire career.

It’s beyond irony.

The Universe is the great teacher, whether we like it or not.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by JD Rucker

I regularly commuted to work for 17 years by bicycle. I was hit once, but not hurt. Since he's a minor, it probably won't be for life, however, 30 years will work. He'll never know what kind of Chief Probst lead, but he will get to understand the kind of live he could have had.

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These kids know nothing about the sanctity of life but they do know that men can become women and that racist whites are responsible for all of world’s problems.

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I knew the moment I saw the video. Its now the norm.

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Rest in peace, Mr. Probst!

I have absolutely no words.

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I think you're right about needing revival, JD. My conservative self says with very careful fairness we should clamp down very hard on criminals with quicker sentencing and longer jail times and even executions. We need to make crime too scary and harsh to even think about.


But... God said, "if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7)

I don't know if that applies here or not, but I'm beginning to think maybe so. So many of our churches are going along to get along with society it's sad to see.

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It certainly applies. The consequences of our disobedience to God is all around us. In Canada especially, every abomination has been legalised. “When God judges a nation, He gives the wicked leaders”. John calvin.

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It would be interesting to see how the Mafia, back when it ran Vegas, would have dealt with this.

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People have been waiting for "revivals" for the past 2000 years without anything significant occurring. If you want to operate in the real world to reduce juvenile crime, take a look at black juvenile crime statistics.

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Horrific incident and these guys should spend the rest of their lives in prison. The driver yes. Long prison term for passenger but not life.

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