This article is Smoke & Mirror BS from the intelligence agencies - not a chance in Hell Ukraine could pull this off. It was us - Biden - the USA that took out Nordstream and this is a propaganda piece to lay blame elsewhere and confuse the matter. Sorry but we're awake now and we ain't buying this type of crap anymore!

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This is why I went to comments on this piece. It doesn't pass the smell test. "(Chervinsky) managed logistics and support for a six-person team that used false identities to rent a sailboat and employed deep-sea diving equipment to place explosive charges on the gas pipelines." On its face, this seems preposterous. The depths, equipment and ordinance involved would require more than a 'sailboat'. This was a covert, sophisticated operation that had to be carried out undetected. Then there's the cui bono i.e. who benefits? Does Ukraine benefit from by irritating their supporters by disrupting their energy? But fascist, war mongering DC does by trying to create a wider war with Russia by blaming it on them, and choking their cash flow. Right now, Chervinsky is a convenient Nord Stream fall guy since he's up on other, likely trumped up, charges.

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It sounds like a CIA cover-up to me. Blame Ukraine, which gets US off the hook and helps justify bailing on Ukraine.

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Sounds like bull chit. Really. ‘We the people’ aren’t as ignorant as the deep state bureaucrats think…

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we the people who have not been brainwashed by neocon zionism or libtard communism are not as gullible....but for far too many americans, yeah they are

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Another CIA operation with the fake news running cover. They say it is R vs. D which is also a CIA operation and the fake news harps on this every single hour of every single day. It’s really the CIA/UN/WEF vs. the people. It’s not just here in the US but all over the western world.

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i thought my uncle frank was nuts back around 1980 when he said the wapo was only useful for burning....now i realize he was a common sense genius

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Funny how, with age, comes wisdom, huh?

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yup, definitely my case....God bless the young people who follow wisdom when they are young

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I don't believe the WaPo. Why does any conservative?

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"He managed logistics and support for a six-person team that used false identities to rent a sailboat and employed deep-sea diving equipment to place explosive charges on the gas pipelines." Really?? The Washington Post?? He must be in big trouble for something else to become the scapegoat for this.

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Before the day is through, the democrats and their lap dog media will tie this guy to Trump, squid spro squo.

Putin just needs to wipe out that $$$ Laundromat government and off with that squirrel Zelensky's head

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