Discernment is the 1st Casualty of War. I've repeated it so often that I'm done doing it. So these 3 Moosie gentlemen were attacked .... So What??? Would 3 Westerners be attacked in say Pakistan , or many other Muslim countries walking down the street??? Especially Western Women!!!

Keep "Turning the Cheek" until you are beheaded .... physically, culturally, emotionally.

Some "Tribes" do not Mix Well.

"What's Mine is Mine; What's Yours is Mine" is the history of Islam, Marxism, & Fascism ... All Tyrannies imo.

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Karl Marx was born Moses Mordecai Levi.

He was a racial JEW, not a "Muslim".

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Yes, "Jews" were prominent Bolsheviks in the overthrow of the Monarchy in Russia, funded from Europe and NYC as well. There is still the question of these were not "religious" Jews, but there Is a Tribalism amongst Jews of their Superiority, as with Germans, Chinese and Tribal Americans to name just a few..

Islam is still a Tyrannical Government-Religious Cartel that cooperated with the Nazis in WW II.

One Tyranny does not Absolve another tyranny.

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Actually, it may have been a "hate" crime. After all, why do not Arabic Nations, e.g., Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc., accept so-called "Palestinians" into their own mix. Ans: it is because of the history of that group. They have a long history of hate, killings, attacking innocents, butchery in the name of their cult. America, like those Arabic nations should also not allow them to enter here. That culture values hate and killing over civilization, law, and order. To not learn the lesson of history is to be made to repeat it.

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The Lesson of history is of Invasions by stronger People over weaker People. Stronger by strength of numbers, adherence to an ideology, technology, etc.

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If we get rid of the Jews, we get rid of the "radicalized Muslims" by default.

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You really are clueless when it comes to history.

You are the type I would love to meet face to face. And no, I'm not a Jew.

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And also, it won't address this either.


Because it's tiny and stupid.


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See how all you do is run your big yap, but don't back a single thing up?

Does everyone see this? Nothing but yap running. No substance. Allusions of violence, but never anything factual.

In 1976, the Jews assassinated the king of Saudi Arabia. They then installed the quite JEWISH SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY in his place.

This was done for the express purpose of "radicalizing Islam", which would now be funded with oil money. Up until that point, you couldn't tell the difference between an "Islamic" nation and a "western" nation.

And what will your dumb ass say about this? Go ahead, show me how clueless I am about these events.

You are the type I would love to meet face to face, too. Another douche bag that doesn't know shit, but is going to try your best to use your little fists to make up for your little brain. You would find your success with violence would be as substantive as your success with your intellect. An utter failure, and it would go from "I'm billy bad ass here to show my intellectual shortcomings" to "I'm not looking for any trouble" REAL quick.

I'm certainly not afraid of your little fists, just like I'm not afraid of your tiny little inadequate mind.

But do take this opportunity to show us all how you're REALLY not as ridiculously stupid and violent as you've just made yourself out to be. Oh, DO show us all how I've completely mis-interpreted history. If you can.

(We know you can't)

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With "Us" being the many mentally challenged voices in your hate filled head.

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If your little arms are as ineffectual as your intellect, you probably shouldn't run your mouth to anyone...ever.

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Notice how this stupid piece of shit didn't refute a single thing I said?

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If we get rid of the degenerate Jew haters, the butchers who attack innocents and behead babies, brag about loving death and then run and hide in tunnels constructed with money donated to those who lived in the Gaza. Degenerate Jew haters do not merit living among civilized humans. Kill them all, each and every one. Disappear the fat cat leaders hiding behind the luxury of their digs in Qatar. Send all, each and every one, of the fools demonstrating, rioting for Hamas to the Gaza. Send the Queers who demonstrated for Hamas there to make peace.

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Look at this Satanic Jew repeating the baby propaganda.

Kill all the Satanic Jews.

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Websites like libertydaily spread so much zionist hate that it might be a hate crime.

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Zionists are pretty hateful...

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We are only told that the assailant was white. That does not always translate to European descent. They might have been light-skinned Middle Eastern. Even if not, how many here, by percentage, even know what a keffiyeh even is?

This incident is extraordinarily light on information.

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It’s only a hate crime if it goes from the right to the left, not the other way round.

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"May the shooter live long and prosper!" Where do we send donations to help him recoup his ammo expense? Hopefully he will be presented with the Rittenhouse Award of Achievement.

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3? It may take much more than that. The ignorance of this world may need thinning.

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It seems that the motive can now be ascertained by observing the skin color of those involved in any altercation.

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There is an interesting photo here which ran on CNN:


If someone in the Jew-controlled media says it's "Palestinians" or "terrorists" or some other such BS doing some other such BS, make sure you un-mask them and CHECK THEIR ID.

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Maybe what is behind this event. The overlords of the cabal needed a hate crime. So wound up a MKultra programmed white guy, to cause the "hate crime" Abracadabra Voila, Proof that Nazi literally Hitler whites are anti Mohamidin!!

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