The Supreme Court will fix this? That's laughable. HOW? I myself was set up by the police and convicted for a crime they knew I didn't commit. When I went to my congressman? He told me "tough, you're guilty." And that was over 20 years ago. And people wonder why me, a veteran hates cops?

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The people are spineless and will allow it to happen. Just like they allowed the 2020 election to be stolen. The country is finished, why? Because it deserves to be finished. The dollar is finished, why? Because it deserves to be finished.

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Why does the Republican Convention not shift their date earlier and have President Trump as their offical presidential candidate? Finding him guilty after this and sending him to jail before an appeal would be very clearly the most serious election interference and outmaneuver the Manhattan court.

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Even if Trump is elected to the White House again, he won't go after the democrats. He'll insist 'we move on' and 'let's not stoop to their level', bc actual justice doesn't matter and leftist filth can continue to destroy America and our children with their perversions. Watch and see.

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Forget it Mr. President, as long as that bought and paid for pedophile Roberts is the chief justice, you will be ruled against. Wishful thinking would be for Roberts to follow his pal Epstein into eternity then elevate Thomas to Chief Justice, where he should have been decades ago.

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Shortly after Trump's conviction, there were intermittent sound bites, that Trump should be pardoned. But, only spoken by the most serious legal scholars and most knowledgeable political advisors and only to say that the subject had been discussed.

Biden could request Governor Hochul to pardon Trump, so there won't be any future asterisks. It would show Biden was the "better man", by clearing all the political debris from the field of play.

Biden could go further, "Our country, it's values, it's people, have been torn asunder. From the very beginning, I wanted to heal our nation and I can be half of the healing force and former President can be the other half. I have asked Governor Hochul to pardon former President Trump. He will be the Republican nominee, with or without a pardon. We must show, by our example, we are a nation of laws that hold each person accountable, to a single legal standard. And, by example, we are a just and merciful nation."

Full stop.

At this point, Trump has two choices. Be gracious and accept the pardon. He could acknowledge the offer and echo, "we are a nation of laws, not men".

Or. "I will not accept a pardon, for a crime I did not commit. I will go through the legal process like any other American and I will win." His supporters expect...no, demand nothing less.

If the Democrats make the offer, will Trump accept?

Survey says, "Will not accept."

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He's not gonna do that, his agenda for the whole witch hunt is to get the real president out of the way.

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