Conservative communities across America should form Grand Juries and call for the arrests of subversive politicians and bureaucrats along with billionaire elitists who are responsible for this mess. Spread the word. A Grand Jury is a powerful force, hundreds of Grand Juries would be unstoppable.

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It's up to the American people to deal with this.

But so far.... Nothing.

Most know who killed Kennedy, and King.

You want democracy back? Be prepared to fight, and NEVER, ever back down.

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I never lost faith in Nixon, I knew he was set up for being effective. He was winning that dahm war and the leftist Johnson wasn't going to have him killing his cash cow.

Nixon also was the first candidate I was able to vote for after my 18th birthday.

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Thank you for the transcript but sadly I don't believe there is any longer an escape hatch that would not involve a massive number of blood transfusions and would anyone under sixty-five be willing to do the heavy hauling. After the citizenry's sheepish willingness to comply to any asinine Covid policy suggested; proving that Americans were willing to accept any "snake-oil salesman's solution" that might provide a promise of surviving; and the outcome in Arizona that has made it obvious that the last nails are being driven into the coffin that holds our electoral hopes, what solution is there. The totality of the American Dream is looking more-&-more like a fairytale concocted by devils, demons and Satan himself. After all, isn't he the creator all lies. Sorry folks, but this morning all seems dark on this side of Eternity, and I was never much of a cheerleader.

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Grand juries, convention of the states, or as last resort 2A? These seem to be the only options left. To quote JFK, "When we make peaceful revolution impossible we make violent revolution inevitable."

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