The big question is who is liable for the damages caused by a vehicle that is moving and not under the control of a live person? The idea of having a robot running your life is suicidal and having a robot in control of anything that can do harm to others is homicide

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24 months ago this was the future of vehicles period. The likes of CNBC & finance have been pushing autonomous driving. Driving to far to dangerous for human beings. Governments have been pushing the plan to remove the people equation. Google, Apple, fire eye and a small list, but a list none the less were developing software to eliminate the steering wheel. Cities around (mostly in CA) the world are embracing to plans to eliminate cars. They want government transportation. The real plan is to eliminate freedom of the people. Just like EV's limit your travel. Washington talks about the infer structure but does noting but window dressing to give people the illusion. The race to master self driving cars is waning. Self driving cars were expected that you keep your hands on the wheel. I've read that so far every crash in a self driving car, Drivers were doing everything but driving, Well this technology would be a good idea. We are not there yet, It may take 10 or 20 years or never in our life time for keys to be discovered. This is part of the 15 minute city

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