I believe it is a DOD project, but I do not understand why the vast majority of world governments want to comply with a U.S. DOD project and why the U.S. DOD is on a mission to kill United States citizens.
Read my post above and let me know whether I am totally off course. Also, let's not forget : Agenda 21 came online in the early 90s. Before that, the Club of Rome started agitating for population reduction in the 70s and 80s. Before that, the Kissinger Report in the 70s: National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200).
As a side note, a leaked NSA study done in the second half of the 90s, shows how a group of computer scientists at NSA were already working on developing digital cash technologies with strong conceptual similarities to what would become known as Bitcoin and the blockchain. To this day we still do not know who is hiding behind the pseudo of Satoshi Nakamoto. How very convenient. I mean, this is so obvious an op, it is farcical, especially with Craig Wright's lawsuit. The world is just supposed to believe he created it all. I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya if you believe that!
Bitcoin and the greed of 'easy' trading that made millionaires of the early crypto enthusiasts played in the popular imagination and acclimated the populace to the idea of a cashless society. Not to mention, it served the role of a perfect testbed to further develop and evolve the tech. And surprise surprise: The WEF is pushing like never before the 'need' for a national digital ID, the necessity of having national CBDCs only and no cash, and having both linked to each other for... convenience and efficiency. LOL How much more stupid can people be if they accept this?
I am aware of the history you list, except Craig Wright, but I still cannot get my head around how many parties have to be complicit in order to pull off this whole world takeover.
One word: Kompromat. The Epstein op entrapped key people in sexually compromising behavior with kids. And Epstein was just one network out of many operating across the world. These networks are run by intelligence agencies. Once you have enough key decision makers butt naked on tape doing things they shouldn't be doing to kids, you own them for life. Most of these people have families, kids of their own... they would do anything for their families and friends and coworkers never to find out what they did.
And when you think about how many people you need to compromise, it's not that many. There are about 190+ countries... let's say 200 to keep calculations simple. Say you need the top guys in govt, the judiciary, health care, and private industry such as the media, finance, etc. Let's say it's 10 people in each of these categories, and let's say we have 10 categories. So it's 100 people per country. 200 * 100 = 20,000 people. As to members of parliament, the legislators, let's say that might be another 100 per countries. So about 2 * 200 * 100 = 40,000 people need to be compromised as an upper bound. Since some countries are not really relevant and can be influenced otherwise, this total number is probably smaller.
In any case, the official membership number of Freemasonry is about 5+ millions members worldwide. And they are perfectly organized. So I think with all the means US military intelligence, CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6, Mossad, etc have at their disposals, coordinating a racketeering op with <= 40,000 people should not present too much difficulty.
For comparison, consider the Apollo program. That was an administrative machine that needed to coordinate more than 400,000 personnel to get the astronauts to the Moon and back, while also keeping a bunch of stuff secret. And they succeeded. So I have no doubt in my mind that such an op is feasible and we are witnessing the results.
Perhaps this is known to you already but if not, the details are explained in these 2 volume set:
I think it makes more sense when we realize govts and individuals alike can become complicit out of ignorance, or fear, or greed - or all three, rather than thru logically planned nefarious scheming. It has become global because most countries are powerless against world banks on their own and very dependent on USA economy, so they'll go along if they think it's their salvation. Perhaps.
Yes, there is that. But also Kompromat of key players, especially in the media. The top guys who control what the editors/producers of major papers and TV network will and will not talk about, have to be in the same network of influence. Or how else do we explain this amazing coordination of propaganda across all the major MSM outlets?
The fact that it is a Pentagon project does not imply anything nefarious. Here is a scenario: DoD becomes aware of unknown pathogen spreading like wildfire in China. In the early days, no one's got a clue whether this is a Chinese military action disguised as a lab accident or a zoonotic event. Also, no one has got a clue of what the pathogen's actual CFR is. Therefore given all the unknowns, the Pentagon took the posture, rightly so, that the fast evolving situation should be treated as a national security issue and handled the whole countermeasure provisioning accordingly.
Would you expect the Pentagon to do otherwise?
And considering they can't even detect some cylindrical object with no obvious means of propulsion before it violates our airspace, should give you an idea of how clueless they must have been in late 2019 when the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak got underway.
Then again, another scenario, linked to the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, could be that it was all well planed from within the Pentagon going back 20 years or more. Here is a list of curious items upon which to build a circumstantial case:
1. Dr David Martin evidenced multiple patents filed over the years since early 2000 in relation to the C19 pathogen and related biotech.
2. Moderna has a patent on some genetic sequence found in SARS-CoV-2. When CEO Stéphane Bancel was asked about it on live TV, he adroitly sidestepped the question.
3. Then at the 2023 WEF meeting in Davos, Moderna's CEO said that they already had developed 100,000 doses of vaccine in 2019. What amazing forethought! Those guys are true geniuses. They must also have developed the first time travel machine, which is why they knew what was coming down the pike.
4. In the early 2000s in the USA, more than 20 experts in microbiology/virology were found dead in mysterious circumstances, or at least circumstances that might indicate they were purposefully created to make it appear like either suicide or death by natural causes. Needless to say, that field of study is directly relevant to biowarfare technologies. Could it be that some scientists, once they became aware of where the project was going, experienced some sort of moral awakening and had to be dealt with before they spilled the beans?
5. The infamous Georgia Guidestones were blown up in July 2022. This marks the end of their usefuleness now that the agenda has gone operational.
6. For this one, you'll have to take my word for it. Years ago, through one of my contact in the military establishment of a foreign country, I was told by this person that he had had a discussion in the late 90s/early 00s with a DoD insider (a friend of his at the time) during which the insider told him that some analysis and conclusion had been made that the planet could not sustain a global population in the billions with the same consumption patterns as North America. Therefore the model clearly indicated that a global population of 500 millions was the optimal number to achieve if consumption patterns could not be curtailed to the lowest level possible, with the catastrophic economic consequences that would unavoidably follow. When I heard the number, I took immediate notice as the implicit reference to the Georgia Guidestones was pretty obvious.
So, whoever believed this analysis correct and decided to act upon it, had two choices: Either drastically curtail consumption patterns of the first world and by extension the rest of the planet in a second phase. But since it should be obvious that that's not reasonably feasible by any stretch of the imagination--not only it would totally devastate the world economy, but go try to tell India and China, sorry guys, you gotta stop all your efforts to increase your standard of living and cap it for decades to come because, well...., because we've already overdone it, so sorry, hope you understand, and see what kind of response you'll get.
Therefore the remaining option is not to ask or negotiate, but simply go operational with the plan.
Start at bottom of this list and work your way up to see the chronological patterns. Of interest: Dr David Kelly (UK). It looks like not everything is suspicious in this list.
I believe it is a DOD project, but I do not understand why the vast majority of world governments want to comply with a U.S. DOD project and why the U.S. DOD is on a mission to kill United States citizens.
Ditto, Lone Star.
Read my post above and let me know whether I am totally off course. Also, let's not forget : Agenda 21 came online in the early 90s. Before that, the Club of Rome started agitating for population reduction in the 70s and 80s. Before that, the Kissinger Report in the 70s: National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200).
As a side note, a leaked NSA study done in the second half of the 90s, shows how a group of computer scientists at NSA were already working on developing digital cash technologies with strong conceptual similarities to what would become known as Bitcoin and the blockchain. To this day we still do not know who is hiding behind the pseudo of Satoshi Nakamoto. How very convenient. I mean, this is so obvious an op, it is farcical, especially with Craig Wright's lawsuit. The world is just supposed to believe he created it all. I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya if you believe that!
Bitcoin and the greed of 'easy' trading that made millionaires of the early crypto enthusiasts played in the popular imagination and acclimated the populace to the idea of a cashless society. Not to mention, it served the role of a perfect testbed to further develop and evolve the tech. And surprise surprise: The WEF is pushing like never before the 'need' for a national digital ID, the necessity of having national CBDCs only and no cash, and having both linked to each other for... convenience and efficiency. LOL How much more stupid can people be if they accept this?
I am aware of the history you list, except Craig Wright, but I still cannot get my head around how many parties have to be complicit in order to pull off this whole world takeover.
One word: Kompromat. The Epstein op entrapped key people in sexually compromising behavior with kids. And Epstein was just one network out of many operating across the world. These networks are run by intelligence agencies. Once you have enough key decision makers butt naked on tape doing things they shouldn't be doing to kids, you own them for life. Most of these people have families, kids of their own... they would do anything for their families and friends and coworkers never to find out what they did.
And when you think about how many people you need to compromise, it's not that many. There are about 190+ countries... let's say 200 to keep calculations simple. Say you need the top guys in govt, the judiciary, health care, and private industry such as the media, finance, etc. Let's say it's 10 people in each of these categories, and let's say we have 10 categories. So it's 100 people per country. 200 * 100 = 20,000 people. As to members of parliament, the legislators, let's say that might be another 100 per countries. So about 2 * 200 * 100 = 40,000 people need to be compromised as an upper bound. Since some countries are not really relevant and can be influenced otherwise, this total number is probably smaller.
In any case, the official membership number of Freemasonry is about 5+ millions members worldwide. And they are perfectly organized. So I think with all the means US military intelligence, CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6, Mossad, etc have at their disposals, coordinating a racketeering op with <= 40,000 people should not present too much difficulty.
For comparison, consider the Apollo program. That was an administrative machine that needed to coordinate more than 400,000 personnel to get the astronauts to the Moon and back, while also keeping a bunch of stuff secret. And they succeeded. So I have no doubt in my mind that such an op is feasible and we are witnessing the results.
Perhaps this is known to you already but if not, the details are explained in these 2 volume set:
And the journalist who wrote these books has more goodies at this website:
I think it makes more sense when we realize govts and individuals alike can become complicit out of ignorance, or fear, or greed - or all three, rather than thru logically planned nefarious scheming. It has become global because most countries are powerless against world banks on their own and very dependent on USA economy, so they'll go along if they think it's their salvation. Perhaps.
Yes, there is that. But also Kompromat of key players, especially in the media. The top guys who control what the editors/producers of major papers and TV network will and will not talk about, have to be in the same network of influence. Or how else do we explain this amazing coordination of propaganda across all the major MSM outlets?
It'd be a very very powerful weapon, definitely.
The fact that it is a Pentagon project does not imply anything nefarious. Here is a scenario: DoD becomes aware of unknown pathogen spreading like wildfire in China. In the early days, no one's got a clue whether this is a Chinese military action disguised as a lab accident or a zoonotic event. Also, no one has got a clue of what the pathogen's actual CFR is. Therefore given all the unknowns, the Pentagon took the posture, rightly so, that the fast evolving situation should be treated as a national security issue and handled the whole countermeasure provisioning accordingly.
Would you expect the Pentagon to do otherwise?
And considering they can't even detect some cylindrical object with no obvious means of propulsion before it violates our airspace, should give you an idea of how clueless they must have been in late 2019 when the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak got underway.
Then again, another scenario, linked to the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, could be that it was all well planed from within the Pentagon going back 20 years or more. Here is a list of curious items upon which to build a circumstantial case:
1. Dr David Martin evidenced multiple patents filed over the years since early 2000 in relation to the C19 pathogen and related biotech.
2. Moderna has a patent on some genetic sequence found in SARS-CoV-2. When CEO Stéphane Bancel was asked about it on live TV, he adroitly sidestepped the question.
3. Then at the 2023 WEF meeting in Davos, Moderna's CEO said that they already had developed 100,000 doses of vaccine in 2019. What amazing forethought! Those guys are true geniuses. They must also have developed the first time travel machine, which is why they knew what was coming down the pike.
4. In the early 2000s in the USA, more than 20 experts in microbiology/virology were found dead in mysterious circumstances, or at least circumstances that might indicate they were purposefully created to make it appear like either suicide or death by natural causes. Needless to say, that field of study is directly relevant to biowarfare technologies. Could it be that some scientists, once they became aware of where the project was going, experienced some sort of moral awakening and had to be dealt with before they spilled the beans?
5. The infamous Georgia Guidestones were blown up in July 2022. This marks the end of their usefuleness now that the agenda has gone operational.
6. For this one, you'll have to take my word for it. Years ago, through one of my contact in the military establishment of a foreign country, I was told by this person that he had had a discussion in the late 90s/early 00s with a DoD insider (a friend of his at the time) during which the insider told him that some analysis and conclusion had been made that the planet could not sustain a global population in the billions with the same consumption patterns as North America. Therefore the model clearly indicated that a global population of 500 millions was the optimal number to achieve if consumption patterns could not be curtailed to the lowest level possible, with the catastrophic economic consequences that would unavoidably follow. When I heard the number, I took immediate notice as the implicit reference to the Georgia Guidestones was pretty obvious.
So, whoever believed this analysis correct and decided to act upon it, had two choices: Either drastically curtail consumption patterns of the first world and by extension the rest of the planet in a second phase. But since it should be obvious that that's not reasonably feasible by any stretch of the imagination--not only it would totally devastate the world economy, but go try to tell India and China, sorry guys, you gotta stop all your efforts to increase your standard of living and cap it for decades to come because, well...., because we've already overdone it, so sorry, hope you understand, and see what kind of response you'll get.
Therefore the remaining option is not to ask or negotiate, but simply go operational with the plan.
You decide which scenario is most likely.
I want to learn more about item 4 above.
or this: https://www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=147
Start at bottom of this list and work your way up to see the chronological patterns. Of interest: Dr David Kelly (UK). It looks like not everything is suspicious in this list.
I believe this. It’s the reason they haven’t cancelled this failed vaccine.